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We Are A Family Business Hoping To Leave Our Community A Little Nicer

SunPath Solutions, LLC is a family owned and veteran owned business. Our goals are simple. First, to provide excellent service to our customers. Too many companies in our industry, especially residential solar, are about volume. How many sales can you get each week. In that process the customer is forgotten. They become part of a quota. I want my customers to feel  like we care, and we appreciate their decision to trust us with their home and this investment. If I need to limit how many customers I have at any given time to achieve this, so be it.

Second is to set a good example to my son. I want to instill good consistent habits in him. By showing him the proper way to treat customers I will be motivated to always display those habits, and in doing so, serve my customers.



At present SunPath Solutions offers:
Residential Solar
Commercial Solar
Home Security Systems
Small Business Security Systems


Through strategic partnerships, SunPath Solutions is also able to offer:
Solar removal and reset
Roof replacements
Residential solar repair

If you would like to see if we can work together, please reach out to us. We are always looking for ways to work with other individuals and businesses. We have a great referral program. If you refer a client and they go solar with us, we will pay you $500 - $1000 EACH!!!

Me and the CDO picking strawberries


Building a
Sustainable Future

We believe clean energy is the future. We need to do this for future generations. Fossil fuels have been an efficient form of energy for many decades, but it's time for a change. To us this goes beyond just putting solar panels everywhere. We want to be able to generate energy and use it responsibly. This means recommending more energy efficient heat pumps, energy efficient windows, using roofing materials that reduce heat, encapsulating a crawl space, and more. If every home and business in America could generate it's own energy, and not be reliant on a central grid, what a world we would have! We're a long ways away, but it's an achievable goal.

There are plenty of nay-sayer's out there, and they come up with all kinds of creative objections. We believe solar today is like central AC 60 years ago. No one wanted it because people just didn't understand it. We're gonna change that. We hope you'll join us as we work to change the future!

Building A Sustainable Future
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